Often in our lives we incorporate our upbringing into the persona we hope to present to our future. Fashion is often an amalgam of what you know and what you want to become. In Cris Cambianica’s outfit, there is the sentimentality of “grand-me-downs” and an inherited heightened aesthetic awareness. Simultaneously, they adapt their LA-style to the rainy Portland. Their thigh-highs are a nod to the Portlandian sock culture but also keep them warm in this cool climate. Until next time, we encourage you all to ponder your past, present, and future as you pick out your pants.
“I’m very big on grand-me-downs. Right now I’m wearing a shirt that my grandma wore at her bank job in the 70s. A lot of what I wear comes from my grandmothers.”
“The thigh-highs are me trying to bring LA summer clothes into the Portland climate. It’s all about staying warm without buying more clothes.”
“I grew up with an architect and an interior designer for parents so I always feel compelled to pick apart the aesthetics of the things around me.”