We’ve had our segment here in The Grail for almost a year. Yet this week we realized you— friends, Romans, countrymen—have no reason to trust our aesthetic.
As part of a two part series, we're gonna do a slight remix. This week I'll comment on Mia's style, and next issue she'll do the same for me, so you all can get a better feel for our thoughts on style. Maybe you'll learn to trust us...or love us. DUNDUNDUN...the pressure’s on.
Mia is offsetting a leather collared short black A-line shift dress with a variety of eclectic accessories like her bottle earrings (stolen relics from her mother's closet), a pink patterned scarf, jumble of bracelets and Zoe Kravitz inspired sunglasses. The dress isn't overwhelmed by the mix of color and pattern due to Mia’s ability to balance the combination effortlessly, as it’s the M.O. of her everyday style. Colorful, refined, and just the right amount of risk with color, texture, and pattern. Perfection personified.
Hasta la vista suckerz,