the library (to study together)
neither of you have time for an actual relationship but you don’t want to admit it yet
you exchange an average of three words per hour
at least one of you is a physics major
the library (to explore the bookshelves)
you get lost easily
undecided major
easily distracted by shiny things
the amphitheater
you think smoking weed is a reasonable first date
you probably own multiple items made of fairtrade organically woven hemp fibers
you think the canyon is like, really, really pretty at night, man
like, nature and shit... is amazing
amazing ...
... fuckin amazing
your dorm room
you know what you’re actually interested in
it’s not romance
it’s sex
you want some dick
but you actually have a really good taste in movies holy shit
music practice room
“this one time... at band camp...”
you either genuinely jam out
or you think that the best use for an oboe is for foreplay
“why don’t these windows have blinds?” commons
you planned this meeting in your bullet journal, carefully nestled between seven extracurriculars and 300-level classes
the comic library
probably a furry