Kind Reader,


I’m not going to lie to you, shit has been getting pretty real around here. People are wearing LAURELZ. Stop Making Sense is this weekend. This is the penultimate Grail. In keeping with our tradition of sensationalist click-bait titles, here is a list of “6 things only ‘90s kids will understand”: Feast your eyes on a not-so-brief history of the conflict between digital and hand-written type (?). A powerful story from Grace’s past, reaching toward the future (?). Find out which faculty member is your soulmate in our limited edition quiz (?). DeSastre’s final critique of a critic (?). Another of many Lonely Hearts (?). A peek at culture, in the form of an image (?).


Brendan, Brian, Grace, Jordan, Lauren, Maddy & Vikram


News & Features

Graceful Grousings

De Sastre

Miss Lonely Hearts